Marketers recognize that emotion drives brand loyalty and purchase decisions. Yet, traditional ways of measuring emotional response – surveys and focus groups – create a gap by requiring viewers to think about and say how they feel. Neuroscience provides insight into how the mind works, but it typically requires expensive, bulky equipment and lab-type settings that limit and influence the experience.

Delivering True Emotion Insight

Accel Knowledge customized Facial Coding service is a neuro-marketing tool that reads emotional states such as attention and liking from facial expressions using an ordinary webcam; in order to give marketers faster, more accurate insight into consumer response to brands, advertising and media.

Our tool uses automated facial expression analysis recognition, also called facial coding, to analyze respondent face and interpret their emotional state. Offered as a cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS), our tool is a fast, easy and affordable to add into existing studies.

Facial Coding Solutions:

  • Online Surveys: Pre-programmed tests allow online market research participants to be emotionally analyzed via webcam (SaaS)
  • Focus Groups: Capture participants’ responses during key moments of sessions using cameras provided by us. No need to change moderators or alter existing procedures.
  • Individual Interviews: Our researchers conduct in-person interviews that typically involve stimuli exposure, questions, ratings, and probes.